Genealogy for the twenty-first century; look beyond names and dates and tell your family story.


Founding Mothers Genealogy exists to provide well-researched and detailed genealogy accounts for our clients, guided by principles of inclusion and social justice. To learn more, read our full mission statement.

Go beyond names and dates to tell your family story.

Tell your family story with exhaustively researched genealogy books. Each book is unique and includes the story of your ancestors and the times and places they lived including records, photos, and more. For more information on all services offered, check out the services page.

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Genealogy for Social Change.

A Millennial with a degree in studio art isn’t your typical genealogist, and I don’t offer your typical genealogy. I’m more interested in finding stories than I am in completing lineage society applications. I heard all sorts of family legend as a kid and set out after my grandfather’s passing to see if any of it was actually true, and fell in love (or rather, complete obsession) with the process of genealogy itself. It’s this love of finding a lost ancestor and an untold story that I hope to share with my clients. For more information about me, check out the “About FMG” page.

Certifications & Affiliations

Association of professional genealogists logo  and membership link to sonja alves's bio on apg

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) professional organization dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the genealogical profession. Founded in 1979, APG is the world’s largest association for professional genealogists, representing nearly 3,000 members in forty countries around the world. We provide education, advocacy, best practices, and a professional community to our members in order to secure records access and to help advance their careers and the genealogical profession as a whole. We also seek to protect the interests of clients engaging the services of a professional genealogist and the public perception of the field of genealogy.

A comprehensive, categorized and cross-referenced list of links for genealogical research sites online.